The ingredients:
You will need some cardboard egg cartons, candle stubs, and some kind of filling:
Place the candles in a tin can and melt them by placing the tin can in a pan of boiling water. NEVER put the tin can directly over a flame. You could burn your house down!
While the candles are melting, cut the lids off of the egg cartons. In order to cut down on any mess, I take cookie sheets and line them with aluminum foil. Place the egg cartons on the cookie sheets and fill the egg cups with your filling:
When the candles are melted, carefully pour the wax on top of your filling. Use a hot pad to protect your hands:
I used a stick to poke the wax down in each cup and make sure that the wax penetrates the filling.
Let the wax cool and solidify:
To use, break 2 or 3 blocks off. Set them under your logs and light the cardboard. Soon you should have a nice toasty fire.