Sunday, February 12, 2012

How To Make Free Fire Starters

These fire starters are NOT 19th century.  However, they were born out of necessity utilizing our forefathers' ingenuity and frugality.  I can't tell you how many reenactments I have been to where we were provided wood (sometimes green) but didn't have any tinder or kindling.  Usually there are at least a few trees around where we can forage for small sticks, but sometimes there is nothing, or it has been picked clean.  These firestarters will burn long enough to ignite logs, and the best part is that they are easy to make and FREE!!!

The ingredients: 

You will need some cardboard egg cartons, candle stubs, and some kind of filling:

I used sawdust for the filling, but you could also use dryer lint, or even animal or human hair.  I once kept the sheddings of my dog and used those.  There is an odor, though, when they are burned.  I like the sawdust the best.

Place the candles in a tin can and melt them by placing the tin can in a pan of boiling water.  NEVER put the tin can directly over a flame.  You could burn your house down! 

While the candles are melting, cut the lids off of the egg cartons.  In order to cut down on any mess, I take cookie sheets and line them with aluminum foil.  Place the egg cartons on the cookie sheets and fill the egg cups with your filling:

When the candles are melted, carefully pour the wax on top of your filling.  Use a hot pad to protect your hands:

I used a stick to poke the wax down in each cup and make sure that the wax penetrates the filling.

Let the wax cool and solidify:

To use, break 2 or 3 blocks off.  Set them under your logs and light the cardboard.  Soon you should have a nice toasty fire.